
Notes and Reflections by feoMike

tip of the iceberg

a while back i started playing with the historical public data for home mortgages. the data goes back to 1990, and i wanted to try to see what patterns it tells. the short is that the charts rendered here are just the tip of the ice berg, and represent a very small portion of what is to come. suffice it to say that the US mortgage landscape is very interesting, very dynamic and tells many stories. for the time being, here are two small stories.

the data, home mortgage disclosure act data, has been collected more or less with the same elements since 1990. a row in this database is a mortgage application. the volume of rows, without any filters, shows the number of applications for mortgages (originated, denied, or sold etc) in the US per year. it represents not a complete census, but generally speaking the most comprehensive assessment of mortgages annually in this country.

in chart 1 we see the count of all applications nationwide. the raw data for this chart can be found here (after all, i am an open data guy), and was assembled from the national archives. the time series shows a dramatic a-frame curve coincident with the now well documented mortgage crisis/great recession.

in chart 2 we see the total application amount in $1,000s of all applications in chart 1. the dramatic rise to $6.4 trillion in total application amounts in the years 2003-2005 followed by the dramatic fall to $2.5 trillion in 2014 underscores the perceived wealth gained, and real wealth lost in the us. interestingly, several recent articles in the washington post highlight some inequities in wealth lost/gained by geography.

i plan to expand on some of these thoughts slowly over time. tweet me at @bynre_tweets with comments.